As rock climbing has become a more popular pastime the equipment has become more easily obtainable. But, as little as thirty years ago there were only half a dozen climbers around Perth with the whole of the State's rock areas to themselves.
There were little or no rescue facilities, no equipment shops and no clubs. Those pioneering climbers doggedly sought out the rock areas and climbed vertical cliffs with the minimum of ageing equipment. They went about their pastime quietly and few others knew of their exploits.
Climb When Readycontains true accounts, written by the people involved, of how most of those climbing pioneers came to be hanging from Western Australian rock faces, and how rock climbing progressed through the 'golden era' of the '60s and '70s and on into the mid-'90s.
The pioneering spirit, the hardships, the teamwork, the fun, the danger, and the fear. It's all here from the first known roped ascent of a Western Australian cliff to the present day. This book is a valuable historical record for rock climbers and other Western Australians with outdoor interests.